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Capturing an Image – Hands-on Basics: How To Deal with Camera Shake and Red Eye

Last Updated 14th March 2012

Keeping the camera steady is another problem that amateur photographers usually commit. A simple fact is that a camera shutter is never as fast as the human eye when it comes to capturing a scene, and if your hands are unstable when you are taking a photo, you will end up with a blurry image and miss an ‘artistic’ moment worth taking.

photography tips for beginners digital camera

You can minimize or completely eliminate camera shake by using a tripod or by increasing the shutter speed to a setting higher than the focal length. For example, if you’re shooting at a focal length equivalent to 100 mm, you should set your shutter speed to 1/100 of a second or faster. The digital image sensor will save and capture the image before additional information from the passing light and lens movement can be registered.

Or by proper positioning your body while holding the camera greatly reduces camera shake and by doing so, with proper pose while taking photos, you demonstrate a high level of photography similar to professionals.

On the other hand, red-eye is the phenomenon where people have glowing red eyes in photographs. This is caused by the close proximity of the flash, especially built-in flash, to the camera lens, which causes light from the subject to be reflected directly back at the camera. When it is dim, the iris of the eye enlarges to let more light in, and when the flash goes off from the camera, the light reflects on the iris causing this error. People with blue eyes are more susceptible to red-eye because they have less pigment to absorb the light. Although most digital cameras have a red-eye reduction or removal feature, one can correct the error by using photo software like Photoshop.

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